Non-Diastatic Malt

If you're a baking enthusiast like me, you've probably heard of non-diastatic malt, but may not be entirely sure what it does. It's a secret weapon in the baking world, known for enhancing flavor, color, and texture of baked goods.

In this article, I'll dive into the nitty-gritty of non-diastatic malt, covering its uses and benefits in baking. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, you'll find out why this ingredient might just be the missing piece in your baking arsenal.

What Is Non-Diastatic Malt?

Non-diastatic malt has become something of a buzzword in artisan baking circles and for good reason. Unlike its diastatic counterpart, non-diastatic malt does not contain active enzymes. This might sound technical, but here’s the scoop: it's all about the malt's role in the baking process. It's made from barley that has been malted, meaning it's been allowed to sprout slightly before being dried and ground into a fine powder or syrup form. The malting process breaks down the grain, making the natural sugars more available, but the key difference is that non-diastatic malt is heated to a point where the enzyme activity is halted.

This treatment gives non-diastatic malt a unique set of properties that make it invaluable for bakers like me looking to add a touch of sweetness and a richer brown crust to breads and other baked goods. It’s the malt's sugars that caramelize during baking, lending that distinctive golden hue and slightly nutty taste. Because the enzymes aren’t active, it doesn’t affect the gluten structure or fermentation process like diastatic malt, making it a more predictable and consistent addition.

But it’s not just about the aesthetics and taste. The sugar in non-diastatic malt also acts as what we call a ‘yeast food,’ which is just a fancy way of saying it gives the yeast in dough something to nibble on. This helps the yeast to thrive, giving rise to well-leavened, puffy loaves with great texture.

That said, using non-diastatic malt is all about balance. Too much, and your treats might be overly sweet or brown too quickly. But get it just right, and you'll elevate your baked goods from good to exceptional. It's easy to see why understanding non-diastatic malt is key to unlocking its full potential in the kitchen.

Ensuring correct measurement and timing when incorporating it into recipes is part of the baking art that keeps my kitchen humming with new creations.

The Science Behind Non-Diastatic Malt

Digging deeper into the science behind non-diastatic malt reveals why it's such a game-changer in baking. During its production, malted barley undergoes a roasting process that stops the activity of natural enzymes. These enzymes—in their active diastatic form—are usually responsible for breaking down starches into sugars which yeast can then ferment.

When barley is heavily kilned, it reaches a point called the non-diastatic stage. This critical phase means that although the grain's own enzyme activity is halted, the malt still possesses the sweetness and the toasty, nutty flavor developed during the malting and roasting process. Unlike diastatic malt, non-diastatic malt doesn't contribute significantly to the rise of the dough as it lacks active enzymes to produce additional fermentable sugars.

The benefits of introducing non-diastatic malt into your recipes are multifold:

The amount of non-diastatic malt used in baking can vary, but it's typically recommended to constitute about 1% to 5% of flour weight in the dough. This ensures the desired effects are achieved without overpowering your baked goods with excessive sweetness or moisture.

Using non-diastatic malt can contribute to the Maillard reaction, a chemical reaction between amino acids and reducing sugars that gives browned food its distinctive flavor. This reaction is essential in creating that perfect crust on bread and the delectable exterior of baked treats. Here, non-diastatic malt's natural sugars come into play, encouraging a faster, more uniform browning effect. However, I'm always careful to monitor baking times and temperatures to prevent any undesired charring caused by the sugar content.

Uses of Non-Diastatic Malt in Baking

When I'm exploring the vast world of baking ingredients, I often find that non-diastatic malt offers a treasure trove of benefits for many types of baked goods. Its influence goes far beyond just bread, touching various sweet and savory treats that fill bakery shelves.

Primarily, bakers often incorporate non-diastatic malt into their bread recipes, where it serves as a key ingredient for creating that sought-after golden-brown crust. Its natural sugars promote caramelization, important for the flavor and appearance of artisan breads. But that's not all - here are some of the items in which non-diastatic malt shines:

In particular, I find that adding non-diastatic malt to bagels gives them a distinctive chewy texture and a subtle malted taste that I simply can't achieve with any other ingredient. Pretzels, too, benefit from a dip in a non-diastatic malt solution before baking, which helps in achieving the classic dark, glossy exterior.

Non-diastatic malt is also a secret ingredient in many cookie recipes. It provides a crisp texture and enhances the overall depth of flavor, setting your cookies apart from the rest. Sweet doughs, such as those used for cinnamon rolls or pastries, also get a boost in both taste and texture, resulting in soft, tender, and flavorful baked treats.

The versatility of non-diastatic malt extends to its ability to enrich not only the taste but also the nutrition of baked goods. It contains maltose, which is a less intense sweetener compared to sucrose, and contributes an additional layer of flavor without excessive sweetness. This makes for a more complex and satisfying taste experience.

Moreover, its impact on the fermentation process can't be overstated. By acting as a yeast food, non-diastatic malt ensures bakers can consistently produce bread that's well-leavened and features an open, airy crumb structure. Knowing that a small amount greatly benefits fermentation, I'm always careful to measure the proportion of non-diastatic malt to flour accurately.

Benefits of Non-Diastatic Malt in Baked Goods

Adding non-diastatic malt to baked goods isn't just about improving the aesthetic appeal; it's about boosting both taste and texture. Non-diastatic malt serves as a key ingredient that brings numerous benefits to a variety of baked goods. When incorporating non-diastatic malt into recipes, bakers can experience an array of advantages, starting with color.

Enhanced Crust Color and Flavor

One of the key roles of non-diastatic malt is the enhancement of crust color. The malt contributes to the Maillard reaction, which is the chemical process that gives baked goods a rich, golden-brown color. The natural sugars present in the malt react with amino acids when exposed to heat, resulting in an appealing crust that's not only photogenic but delicious. In terms of flavor, non-diastatic malt adds a subtle maltiness, which can elevate the overall taste profile of breads and pastries.

Improved Texture and Nutrition

Besides the visual and flavor enhancements, non-diastatic malt affects texture. In bread, it promotes a more tender crumb and a better rise, which makes for an irresistible bite. Cookies and bagels also benefit as the malt ensures they remain chewy and satisfying long after baking. Additionally, the presence of maltose, a sugar less sweet than sucrose, means sweets aren't overwhelmingly sugary. Non-diastatic malt is also a source of proteins and vitamins, which can enhance the nutritional profile of baked creations.

Yeast Fermentation and Shelf Life

Non-diastatic malt isn't just a flavor powerhouse; it's also a boon for the fermentation process. By acting as a yeast food, it ensures that doughs rise properly and develop an open, airy structure. Moreover, this ingredient can help extend the shelf life of baked goods. Due to its natural humectant properties, it helps bread and other baked items retain moisture, keeping them fresher for longer.

Balancing the use of non-diastatic malt is crucial as too much can affect the fermentation rate and cause bread to become too dark. Stick to the optimal proportion of malt to flour, which I've found should not exceed 5%, to ensure that every batch turns out just right.

How to Incorporate Non-Diastatic Malt in Your Baking

Incorporating non-diastatic malt into your baking routine doesn't have to be intimidating. The key is understanding how it interacts with other ingredients and knowing the precise amounts to use for achieving that perfect balance. Typically, 1 to 2 percent of the flour's weight is the amount of non-diastatic malt you'll want to add. For every 100 grams of flour, that translates to 1 or 2 grams of malt. Remember, exact measurements ensure consistency and the best results.

Here's a straightforward approach to get you started:

When it comes to specific types of baked goods, non-diastatic malt integrates especially well with certain recipes:

For Bread: Enhance the dough's rise and color by incorporating malt. It’s an ideal addition to artisan bread, providing a distinct flavor and a gorgeously browned crust.

For Bagels: To achieve that classic chewy texture and shine in your bagels, use non-diastatic malt in the dough and the boiling water. It’s a game-changer for bagel enthusiasts.

For Cookies: A pinch of malt can enrich cookie dough, giving depth to the flavor profile without overwhelming sweetness.

Adopting non-diastatic malt into your baking regimen can dramatically improve the final product. With its ability to improve texture and taste, plus extend shelf life, it's a worthwhile ingredient to master. As you get more comfortable with its qualities, don't hesitate to experiment a little. Baking is as much art as it is science, and finding your own malt sweet spot can be an enjoyable and rewarding process.


Mastering the use of non-diastatic malt can transform your baking, offering that extra touch of flavor and texture that sets your creations apart. Remember, precision is key, and a little goes a long way. By starting with a small amount and adjusting based on your results, you'll find the sweet spot that works for your recipes. Whether it's bread that's more robust, bagels with a perfect chew, or cookies with a subtle maltiness, the versatility of non-diastatic malt is something I've come to rely on in my kitchen. Don't be afraid

Shane Jones

Hey there! I'm Shane, the face and hands behind BakeSomeBread. My journey into the world of bread and pastries started over 10 years ago, and what began as a simple hobby quickly turned into an all-consuming passion. While I might not have formal qualifications or fancy titles, I've spent countless hours perfecting my recipes, experimenting with flavors, and, yes, learning from a few (or maybe more than a few) baking blunders along the way.

I've never been featured in glossy magazines, and I don't have any teaching stints to boast about, but what I do have is genuine love for baking and a drive to share that with all of you. Every recipe you find here is a result of my personal adventures in the kitchen—tried, tested, and baked with love.

Trust is a big deal for me. So, while I'm always up for a bit of baking fun, I'm serious when it comes to authenticity. Every bit of advice and every recipe on this site comes straight from my own experience. And hey, if I can help even one of you find joy in baking, then all those flour-covered days and nights have been worth it! Happy baking, folks! Oh, and come and say hi on Social Media too!