Cream of Tartar

Cream of Tartar, an unsung hero in the culinary world, had its most humble beginnings as a byproduct in winemaking. Historically, it has provided leavening for baked goods before the invention of baking powder, and it's made from a crust that forms on the inside of wine barrels during fermentation. Today, this versatile ingredient is still a stalwart in home kitchens, lending a subtle complexity to many baked goods.

While its origins might seem unusual, the uses for this white, powdery substance are quite surprising. Beyond acting as a key player in the baking realm, Cream of Tartar is celebrated for its unique abilities to stabilize egg whites when whipped into peaks, and to give icings a bright, smooth finish.

But that's not all. There's more to Cream of Tartar than meets the eye. It's also a handy tool for household cleaning, boasting properties that can scrub stainless steel clean and even aid in removing stains from clothing. So, while it's a go-to agent for culinary purposes, its practicality extends far beyond the kitchen.

Understanding the Basics of Cream of Tartar

Potassium bitartrate, more commonly recognized as Cream of Tartar, is an intriguing ingredient found in many households yet it often remains somewhat mysterious. This byproduct emerges during the winemaking process when tartaric acid, found in the grapes, forms crystals in the wine barrels. It's these very crystals that are refined into the white powder known as Cream of Tartar.

Its origins in the winemaking industry may be surprising, but it holds a wide array of uses, particularly in bread making. For instance, it provides several key benefits including its capacity to stabilize egg whites, giving your bread an airier texture, and to prevent sugar crystallization, thus ensuring your bread doesn't turn too sweet.

As for its nutritional value, it's important to know that Cream of Tartar is essentially low in calories but lacks substantial nutrients. It does, however, provide a small dose of potassium. For ease, consider the basic nutritional data below:

Calories - 8 kcal (per teaspoon - 3g)

Potassium - 495 mg (per teaspoon - 3g)

While it does offer a few benefits, it's crucial to exercise caution with its consumption, particularly for those with kidney disease due to its high potassium content. That said, it's generally considered safe for consumption in the amounts usually used in cooking and baking, even for pregnant women and children.

When it comes to bread making, Cream of Tartar can act as a form of leavening agent when combined with baking soda. It's this combination that releases carbon dioxide, leading to an expansion that helps bread rise. It also imparts a distinct 'tang' to the bread, contributing to a unique flavor profile.

Deciphering the uses and benefits of Cream of Tartar can inform better baking decisions, particularly for bread lovers. As you explore the world of bread making, this unique ingredient might just elevate your baking game.

Potential Benefits and Uses of Cream of Tartar

Often overlooked in the pantry, Cream of Tartar hides a myriad of uses and benefits. It's not just an ingredient for making meringues or stabilizing whipped cream. Beyond the kitchen, Cream of Tartar has a respectable place in health and wellness discussions.

Deriving from the tartaric acid found in grapes and tamarinds, Cream of Tartar is an intriguing substance. It's a by-product made during the wine-making process. Once the grape juice ferments inside a wine barrel, it leaves behind a residue. This residue, also known as wine diamonds, is purified and ground to make Cream of Tartar. It's nature's secret gift hidden in your kitchen cabinet.

Cream of Tartar isn't a nutritional powerhouse, but it shouldn’t be readily dismissed. You won't find it bursting with vitamins and minerals, yet it's pile of potassium is notable. Here is a snapshot of its nutritional value per tablespoon:

Calories - 11 cal

Potassium - 495 mg

Carbohydrates - 3 grams

In relation to baking, particularly bread making, Cream of Tartar brings its own bag of tricks to the table. It's the secret ingredient that can:

As far as safety is concerned, Cream of Tartar is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the Food and Drug Administration. However, it's advisable for those with kidney problems to seek doctor's advice before using it due to its high potassium content. Presume it as safe for general baking and occasional use.

So, while dim in nutritional shine, Cream of Tartar brightens up any baker's day and offers a plenitude of balance and control over your kitchen creations.


Exploring the uses of cream of tartar has indeed been intriguing. It's a unique ingredient originating from the residue left behind in wine barrels. Yet, it's surprising how it found its way into baking, more specifically, bread making.

Notably, cream of tartar is instrumental in adding volume to your dough and enhancing the texture of bread. It acts as a leavening agent, meaning it makes the bread rise. It reacts with baking soda to produce carbon dioxide gas. It's this gas that gets trapped in the bread dough, causing it to expand and give the bread a fluffy texture.

Moreover, it prevents sugar crystals from forming, leading to a finer texture. If you've ever wondered why your homemade bread has a professional touch, the secret could be cream of tartar!

Examining the nutritional value of cream of tartar, it's evident that it isn't a significantly rich source of nutrients. However, it carries a high potassium level. Consuming it as part of your diet could help in managing blood pressure and heart health.

Nonetheless, the consumption of cream of tartar is not without potential risks. Large doses can lead to health problems due to an excess of potassium, including heart rhythm abnormalities. It's generally safe for human consumption, but as with most things, it's best in moderation.

To sum up, cream of tartar is a fascinating ingredient. It's got an intriguing origin, considerable uses in bread making, and some nutritional value with potential health benefits.

Who'd have thought that something once considered waste could make such a significant impact in the world of bread baking! Now, armed with this knowledge, you might find fresh appreciation every time you reach for that jar of cream of tartar in your baking endeavors.

Shane Jones

Hey there! I'm Shane, the face and hands behind BakeSomeBread. My journey into the world of bread and pastries started over 10 years ago, and what began as a simple hobby quickly turned into an all-consuming passion. While I might not have formal qualifications or fancy titles, I've spent countless hours perfecting my recipes, experimenting with flavors, and, yes, learning from a few (or maybe more than a few) baking blunders along the way.

I've never been featured in glossy magazines, and I don't have any teaching stints to boast about, but what I do have is genuine love for baking and a drive to share that with all of you. Every recipe you find here is a result of my personal adventures in the kitchen—tried, tested, and baked with love.

Trust is a big deal for me. So, while I'm always up for a bit of baking fun, I'm serious when it comes to authenticity. Every bit of advice and every recipe on this site comes straight from my own experience. And hey, if I can help even one of you find joy in baking, then all those flour-covered days and nights have been worth it! Happy baking, folks! Oh, and come and say hi on Social Media too!